Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Old Earth, Sin and Death

It's been a while since I've posted and to be honest I've been a bit weary of all the stuff going in and out of the church and sometimes, to be quite honest, I just don't know where to start. When this happens I need to just step away for a bit and get some perspective which is what I've done.

We've just started a new bible study at our church called 'Origins and Endings'. Basically it's a study on creation & evolution and end times. So far we've looked at theistic evolution, the gap theory, philosophical naturalism and creation in six literal days.

I happen to believe that the six day view is the only view that lines up from a biblical theological standpoint and as a result I hold firmly to that view. To hold to any of the other views compromises the nature of God, His word and the cross. Why is that? Because with the Gap theory and Theistic evolution you have death before sin where the bible clearly states that death came as a result of sin (Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned. - Romans 5:12) To have death and suffering before sin makes God to be some kind of a monster and renders the rest of the bible nonsensical.

I am open however to someone explaining how an old earth view can be reconciled with scripture, I just haven't heard a plausible explanation so far.

I would love to hear someone explain how it lines up with God's word, so if you've come across this blog and you are a Christian that believes in an old earth, the floor is yours. Please don't throw any lazy comments like, 'God could have done whatever He wanted'. I've heard that I don't know how many times and it's lame. God does not contradict His word which is the real issue at stake here.

Anyway, God bless and I look forward to some feedback.


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