Thursday, June 21, 2007

Global Cooling by 2020

This is a facinating article about how the sun is the most likely causing climate change and we are iin store for some really good skiing pretty soon. Hopefully I'll still be able to ski then.

Click here to see the article. If this is interesting to you, there are many articles in this one that you can click on for more info.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

People Are Generally Good?

Jesus said, "no one is good, except God alone." - Matt. 10:18
Check out this story in case you have any doubts.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How About Some Global Warming Irony

Sorry but I just couldn't get past the irony of the story about Denver, Colorado and their global warming plan. The irony is that the day this was announced, Denver had its coldest June morning in over 50 years. Just last week there was a snow storm not far from Denver and another interesting stat is that 9 of the 12 warmest years for Denver occurred before 1955.

I am all for cleaner air but I wish some of these so called scientists and the media would quit trying to manipulate poeple with their fear tactics. I am not buying it and I believe there is a growing tide of scepticism no matter what the media and governments are telling us.

All that being said, I am for the reduction of oil consumption not only for environmental reasons but also for national security. How about we Americans start driving smaller cars that are more fuel efficient so that we can be less dependent on some of those nice middle eastern countries that would love to hold us hostage with their oil. It's only a matter of time before that happens. Keep your eyes on Iran. I think things could get very interesting this summer.

Here's an interesting article about Mt. Kilimanjaro and its shrinking ice cap. This has been an argument in support of man made global warming but now they're not so sure.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Scientific Consensus on Global Warming? I Don't Think So

A skeptic of global warming skeptics has done some research and found he may no longer be the camp of skeptics he once was. Sorry if that was a little confusing. One of the things we hear over and over again is that there is a scientific consensus that the cause of climate change is the fault of man. Those that disagree with that view are castigated as ignorant, uninformed or have been bought out by the oil companies. The author of this article was one who scoffed at the climate change skeptics but since doing some in depth research, isn't so sure anymore. Read the article and remember that even though some may contend something is a done deal, it is not necessarily so. There is always another side to the story.