Thursday, May 03, 2007

Gaia Anyone?

One of the things I like to do every time I stay in a hotel is check the nightstand drawer to see if the Gideons put a bible there. It is always encouraging to see that they are still at it and the hotels are actually still allowing them to do so.

Lately I've been thinking about how many people I hear saying things like, 'that's fine if you believe that, but don't shove it down my throat'. Most of us have heard that many times I'm sure, especially if you are a Christian. Another thought popping in my mind is how the environmentalists have had the floor big time lately shoving their views down everyones throats and instead of resistance, the government, the media, the education system ,film industry and now HOTELS are right there with them proclaiming what is none other than shodding science and to get to the heart of it, a new religion of Gaianism (earth worship). Yup, that's right, it's a religion and one the whole world is uniting around.

If you think I'm crazy, do a little research on the UN Earth Summits and take a look at the news every now and then and it's unavoidable. Almost everyone seems to think we are responsible for climate change around the world. There already talk of a global tax for crying out loud.

I could go on and on about this for hours but I'll spare you. Check out this article on the 'green' hotel in California and do a little research and see what you think. It's definitely looking like that New World Order we've all heard about is coming to fruition soon.

One other thing, many times when people are confronted with the gospel they come up with an excuse like, 'those Christians are all a bunch of hypocrites'. Any one else see a little irony here? Can any one say Al Gore?

Enough said,


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