Monday, July 03, 2006

American Christianity

Lately I've been wondering why it is that there are so many more prophessing christians in America but there doesn't seem to be much of a difference in the way people live their lives. Statistically there is very little difference with regard to divorce, abortion, murder, rape etc. To tell you the truth after living here for a couple of years I think in general it feels safer walking the streets here than in much of America these days and the people are very warm and friendly. Why is this? America has so many more that attend church on a regular basis than Scotland yet I'm just not seeing the difference played out in everyday life. I'm wondering if what's being peddled in America as Christianity has taken on so much of the culture that you can't even recognize it anymore. I found a couple of interesting commentaries that elaborate on this a bit further that I would definitely recommend checking out. One is a sermon and the other is a satire piece.

Here are the links:

Let me know what you think.


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