Monday, October 03, 2005
"I Can't Stands It No More!"
This past weekend Julie and I attended the International Leaders Summit in Glasgow. This summit which has just celebrated its 10th year was created by Bill Hybels, the pastor of Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago out of a passion to see church leaders better equiped to lead.
Over all I thought much of what was shared in the conference was good sound practical advice for pastors and other church leaders. I could have however left after the first message of the conference which was given by Bill Hybels and had been completely satisfied. I guess that's the one session I got the most out of and seemed to speak right to my heart. He spoke about our calling and how God usually allows a burden to be on our hearts that weighs so heavy that as Popeye would say, "I can't stands it no more!" It's a kind of righteous indignation, somethinng you see and you just can't stand letting it go on.
As I was listening to the message it wasn't hard for me to know what this was for me. One of the things God has laid on me is a passion to see churches get back to the basics of equiping their congregations with the clear preaching of the word. This is so needed especially here in Scotland. Most of the preachers here don't even believe the Bible is God's word, and these are ordained ministers we're talking about here. Then there are those who are unfortunately trying to get more people in their churches by watering down the word, or are indulging in extra biblical experiential pandering that puts a higher emphasis on the experience rather than the word. They stay away from those parts of the Bible that some might find offensive and rather than testing their experiences in light of scripture, they twist scripture to fit their experience. This absolutely kills me and I must say, I can't stands it no more!" God's whole word must be preached uncompromisingly. If it is not you will continue to see cults develop and Christian churches full of people who have a warped concept of who God really is and what He wants to do with their lives.
The other thing I just can't stands no more is seeing people dying unnecessarily around the world from starvation, disease and abortion. Every time I see it on T.V. I have to change the channel because it is just too heartbreaking for me to see these little children dying horrible deaths, some in the arms of utterly greif stricken parents or worse yet, with no one there to comfort them at all. The Bible clearly teaches us as Christians, we are called to help those that can't help themselves so that Jesus Christ would be glorified.
I think James 1:27 sums it up pretty well, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
So, what am I to do with this clarity of conviction? Pray! My prayer is that God will lead me in the direction where He can use me best. I know we are already on the mission field but I think God is filling in some specifics here with what we are doing so, we'll see what happens. I'll have more on this soon.
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