Though this blog is mostly dedicated to defending the truth of the gospel, part of what that is about is helping people find good solid teaching. So, one of the things I will be doing is setting up links to different ministries which have an emphasis on holding scripture as the inerrent word of God, and the final arbitor of truth. I think if more church leaders would do that then we wouldn't have such discord in the church today. Too many are being blown around by every wind of doctrine (Eph. 4:14; James 1:6) because they have stopped trusting in God's word for wisdom. This is all too prevelent here in Western Europe and unfortunately the U.S. as well. People have somehow decieved themselves into thinking they are smarter than God. What a joke that is. Hopefully they will come to their senses before it's too late.
A few weeks back I was listening to Brian Broderson over the internet. Brian is a pastor with
Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California. Back in the mid 90's he and his family came over here to the U.K. to start a church in the London area amid sceptics that told them it would never work here saying, "this is a post Christian nation and people don't care about God." Well they didn't let that deter them and pressed on being faithful with whomever God put in their path. People did start to come and the church grew numerically and more importantly, spiritually. How did this happen? By preaching the word (2 Tim.4:2). They didn't latch on to the latest gimmick fostered on the church but it was just the combination of a gifted teacher (Eph.4:11-13) being faithful to preach the whole councel of God's word.
Not too long ago I met the drummer from that church in London (
Calvary Chapel Westminster) and he told me there's about 600 or so that regularly attend now. Not bad for a 'Post Christian Nation' and the best thing about it is that those people are being well fed and the glory goes to God.
Anyway, I was so encouraged by Brian's message that I sent him an e-mail. Much to my surprise, he sent me a personal e-mail back the same day. I just thought that was really cool considering how busy he is. I think he still has a heart for this part of the world. Check out his web-site and teaching at
www.backtobasicsradio.comThere's tons of free messages to listen to so give it a try, you'll be blessed.